Clinical & Pharmaceutical Solutions through Analysis
Where Technology and Solutions Meet


Innovator Awards

The CPSA USA Innovator Award provides formal recognition for innovative technologies, products and services presented at the annual meeting.

Past Recipients


Ryan Ragland   |   Biomeme Inc.

Daniel DeBord   |   MOBILion Systems, Inc

Mark Hail   |   Novatia


Bernhard Nemec   |   Prolab Instruments

Christain Hoppmann   |   Takara Bio USA


Steve Murphy   |   Agilent Technologies

L. Andrew Lee   |   Integrated Micro-Chromatography Systems, LLC (IMCS)

Chris Brown   |   908 Devices, Inc.


Mark Hayward   |   ITSP Solutions

Geoff Faden   |   MAC-MOD Analytical

Harris Bell-Temin   |   University of Pittsburgh


Camilla Sivertsson   |   Denato
The Effects of Heat Stabilization and Euthanasia Methods on Free Fatty Acid Measurements in Rat Tissues

Brian Musselman   |   IonSense
A Lab Mobile Mass Spectrometer for High Fidelity Mass Analysis Around the Pharmaceutical Facility

Nathan Yates   |   University of Pittsburgh
Identifying Proteins to which Small-Molecule Probes and Drugs Bind

Andrey Bondarenko   |   InfoClinika
Differential Mass Spectrometry Workflow Leveraging Cloud Based Technologies

Bonnie Baker   |   PharmaCadence
Use of Cerex SPE cartridge technology for simplified IAC sample preparation

Marshall Siegel   |   MS Mass Spec Consultants
Development and Application of the MASSPEC Algorithm for Structural Elucidation Utilizing Mass Spectral Data


Fred Regnier   |   Novilytic Laboratories
Multiple Aliquot Extraction of Blood Plasma

James Murphy   |   Waters Corporation
A New Level of Sensitivity and Standardization: The Promise of Integrated Micro Fluidic Devices Coupled with Mass Spectrometry

Nathan Yates   |   University of Pittsburgh
Description of a Novel Multi-Column / Multi-Dimensional nanoLC-MS/MS Platform for Automated Proteomic Analysis

Donna Hollinshead   |   Prosolia
Rapid Biofluid Analysis by Mass Spectrometry using Paper Spray Technology


Fred Regnier   |   Novilytic Laboratories
Next Generation Plasma Collection Technology for Clinical and Pharmaceutical Applications

Donna Holinshead   |   Silicon Kinetics
NPOI, A Novel Platform for Biomolecular Interaction Analysis and Affinity Capture Mass Spectrometry

Kevin Meyer   |   Perfinity Biosciences
Perfinity Flash Digest

Ching Wu   |   Excellims Corporation
HPLC-HPIMS - A 2D Separation Tool

Shane Needham   |   Alturas Analytics
PicoFuze: The Future of Microflow LC-MS/MS, The Column is the Source, the Source is the Column

Joe Siple   |   Drummond Scientific
Rodent Plasma Micro-Sampling Evaluation: Outcomes and Next Steps


Jim Kenney   |   Drummond Scientific
Evaluation of a Microsampling System for Accurately Controlling Dried Blood Spot Volumes

Martin Steel   |   McKinley Scientific
An Interdependent LC/MS/MS Solution for Urine Testing for Detection and Quantification of Drugs of Abuse and Pain Management

Gary Valaskovic   |   New Objective
PicoSlide Multichannel Nanospray: So Easy a Caveman Can Do It!

Ching Wu   |   Excellims Corporation
Rapid Analysis Using High Performance Ion Mobility Spectrometry

Ismael Zamora   |   Lead Molecular Design
Metabolite Identification: From Data to Information and From Information to Knowledge

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